Member's Planes and Projects
Alphabetically by first name. Matt through Walter on this page.
Randy Tyler - Avid MK IV

I bought it in 1999 already completed as a tricycle gear with a 670 Rotax. I changed it to a tail dragger using Airdale wide gear and I also modified a set of ATV wheels and tires to work with the airplane, upgraded to Matco triple puck brakes and upgraded to a, 8" Maul tail wheel. At about 200 hours of flying the 670, had an engine failure. I changed it to a Rotax 582 and have over 200 hours on this motor. I'm currently working on a new stretched and widened fuselage that will use these wings and horizontal stabilizer from the Avid, but I am building a Subaru EA-81 motor for it. The Avid is a very fun and forgiving plane but has very little room; I'm hoping this conversion will give me the advantage of more room without too many compromises.
My favorite flying is exploring back country areas and my favorite place is up the Knik River / Lake George area. I enjoy talking to anyone about my project or theirs.
Randy TylerRick Davis - Producer
At the Valdez May Day Fly-In 2007
Builder: | Richard L. Davis |
Location: | Eagle River, AK - USA |
Aircraft: | Richard L. Davis - Davis Special |
Engine: | Lycoming - O360 A1D |
Prop: | McCauley - 82-40 - Constant Pitch |
The Davis Special is an experimental 4 place super cub type project with a 180 hp Lycoming engine and a 66" chord Riblett Airfoil wing. The riblett airfoil has a chord that is 1.5" thicker and 3" longer than a Piper airfoil.
It was built under the supervision of Steve Bryant who holds the STC for the Producer Aircraft. The Producer is a certificated 4 place Super Cub created by modifyig a PA-22 or PA-20 in many ways, most notably by stretching the fuselage by 24 inches and installing PA-14 wings. Completion date: March 2007.
Website: Henry - Mustang II - N727RH
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Plans were purchased and building started in September, 1983.
15 years / 3,500 man-hours later, it first flew June, 1998.
An estimated 1,500 hours has been spent modifying it since the first flight.
Current flight time is 632 hours, 704 landings. It's now been to all 49 states (no plans to ever take it to Hawaii..) including visits to San Diego, Key West, Nantucket, Quebec and the Bahamas four times. Now back in ANC as of May, 2006; having flown from MS to AK for the third time. It may be "here to stay" - we'll see.
It is flown IFR a lot, with an S-Tec 30 autopilot, Garmin GNS 430, oxygen system and stereo intercom and CD player. |
It has just under 7 hours endurance at max cruise power, and is occasionally flown in the mid-teens, having cruised at Flight Level 200 (20,000') once on a four hour flight from Mississippi to Gettysburg, PA. Another flight from San Diego to Oklahoma City was made at 17,000' in five hours. Fuel capacity is 61 gallons, burning 8.6 at 75% cruise. All building, painting and avionics wiring was done myself. Some Lessons Learned (applicable to most Experimental builders), FAQs and more info is available on my web site for it at Rick Henry June 2006 - Chapter 79 Newsletter that has an article "Hohner's Corner" about my landing in the Mustang II's 49th state (Washington). |
Roy Glass - RV-6

After 8 years of on and off building, my RV-6 finally took to the air Saturday afternoon, October 22, 2005. Flight characteristics were excellent. Just like an RV should. Lycoming O-320 160 HP, Hartzell constant-speed prop, night VFR equipped, 1068 pounds with interior but no paint. More details later...
Thanks for all your help and moral support, especially Gale, who was always there to help buck the hard-to-reach rivets in the tail and fuselage and to help me decipher the plans.
Tim Coalwell - Zenith CH-801

Tim Rittal - Glastar

My GlaStar has been patiently waiting to become a real airplane for almost 8 years now. Most of that time “The Plane” has taken a back seat to family, career, building a house and life in general. That is okay. Most of you can relate. The plan was always to build and pay as I could afford the time and money. I just didn’t realize how much time and money when I started. That’s okay too. I am getting there. I am now at a point in time when “The Project” moves to center stage. It is a priority. It has to be if I plan to fly this creation more hours than I spent building it. So I think 2007 will be the year my GlaStar takes to the air. Watch for it. I’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, keep on building. Tim Ritall
GlaStar N55XP was started as a tail kit in 1998 and slowly built into a flying GlaStar. Total time to build was around 2500 hours. I received my Special Airworthiness Certificate on April 19, 2007 by our own John Davis, newly minted DAR. Yahoo!!.
The engine is an AeroSport Power O-360 (Lycoming clone), carbureted, 180 hp with a counter-weighted crank, Hartzell 80" constant speed prop and dual Light Speed electronic ignition. My panel consists of a Dynon 100 flight instrument unit, Dynon 120 engine instrument unit, a Garmin 296, Icom 200 comm radio, Garmin transponder and Sigtronics intercom. No gyros, no vacuum & no magnetos! I have two Odyssey batteries to run the electric. Currently I have 26" Goodyear (blimp) tires with plans for skis and floats later.
55XP cruises comfortably at 130 mph at approx 65% burning 8.5 gph. Top end somewhere around 140 mph. Stall speed with full flaps is 49 mph. Empty weight came in at 1,336 with a gross weight of 1,960 on wheels.
as of Apr 14 2008
We'd like to put pictures of every airplane, if it's flying or not, built or not, for every member in the chapter. If you would like to have your plane or project shown here, email the Webmaster your pictures or web site links and info.
If you're more of a craftsman than a writer/photographer, you're in luck! We've got some of those.
Rob Stapleton (cell) 336-9425
Rob is a reporter/photographer for the Alaska Journal of Commerce, and has graciously volunteered to visit everyone with a project, do an interview, take pictures, and write it up for our site.Chris Gill (cell) 227-9352 has volunteered to take pictures also.
Walter Yankauskas (hm) 345-7206 (Your friendly webmaster) Wouldn't mind taking pictures too.
If you're looking for something to say, how about:
- Date of kit purchase
- Percent complete
- Hours spent building (to date or to completion)
- Engine type planned or purchased
- Other planes owned
- Other kits completed
- Hours logged in flight on current plane
- Words of wisdom or lessons learned (regarding building, test flying, flying, maintenance...)
- Contact information (if the builder wants to provide this)
- Favorite place to fly to
- etc....