EAA 42 Inventory List
You must login to see the details of the club inventory.
Tool and Scale Inventory Access Policy: here
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Notes: We bought the scales from AveryTools at AveryTools.com. The scales are based on Hot Rod auto technology and were certified in February 2021. Free rental for Chapter Members (not available for Chapter Non-Members). Tool and Scale Inventory Access Policy: here
Banner - EAA 42 Welcome Banner
Usual Location: Inside EAA Trailer

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No Caretaker
BBQ Grill
Usual Location: Inside EAA Trailer

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No Caretaker
Chapter 42 Sandwich Sign
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No Caretaker
Engine Hoist
Usual Location: Burk's Hangar

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Notes: This picture is of another engine hoist.
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Notes: ViewSonic PJD5155 projector with 50 foot HDMI cable
Propane Tank for BBQ
Usual Location: Inside EAA Trailer
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No Caretaker
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At the EAA Chapter 42 October 2013 board meeting, we talked about keeping an inventory of our stuff.
Our main concern is to keep track of what we have, where is it at, who is responsible for it, and how do we get in touch with the person that's got the stuff.
Even though it goes without saying, we are going to say it anyway. If you borrow anything, it will come back clean and in good working condition. If it breaks while you have control of it, you will fix it and report to the Board of Directors about what happened.
The links on the Aircraft Scales and Trailer have a history to see of the item.
The trailer will have a clipboard with an inventory for the trailer. On this list we don’t need to see the individual BBQ grill tools, or consumables like garbage bags, napkins and disposable plastic cutlery.
This is the second iteration of the inventory list, at this point there isn't a public method of updating and I am just looking for some feedback on how you think the listing looks. Send the webmaster an email if you have comments, or post to the email list.