News Archive

Jun 29th, 2024 - Young Eagles (YE) Rally @ Birchwood

Our annual YE Rally @ Birchwood was great. We flew 9 youth, all returning with great smiles. Thanks to Burke, Ed, Pete, and Wally for flying; thanks to Chuck, Mark, Tom, and Chris for great ground support.

Our next YE Rally will be at Merrill Field, Saturday, August 3rd.

Young Eagles

Young Eagles

Young Eagles

Young Eagles

Young Eagles

Young Eagles

Jun 22nd, 2024 - Chapter BBQ at Bernie's

Chapter 42’s annual BBQ at Bernie’s was a great success. Attendance was good under the blue skies and sunshine. 19 of us enjoyed barbecued burgers and hot dogs along with a nice selection of salads and side dishes. A big thank you to Bernie, Jeanette and their family for hosting this event. We even got the landing gear, engine, and propellor mounted on Bernie’s Hatz biplane!



May 28th, 2024 - May Meeting - Domke Hangar

Vickie and Daniel Domke hosted the Chapter 42 May meeting at their hanger on Merrill Field. Daniel provided great entertainment with his tales of living and running a business in Fairbanks Alaska. Daniel also gave the club a tour of the hanger and his and Vickie’s current project. Thanks for the hospitality, and thanks to all who attended.

Domke hangar

Domke hangar

Apr 23rd, 2024 - April Meeting @ Lake Hood SimCenter

18 of us enjoyed a marvelous time at the Lake Hood SimCenter. Daniel Mendez (CEO) was a great host, sharing about his background, his formation of the SimCenter & sourcing the sims, expounding on services provided by the new SimCenter, and serving a tasty array of snacks and beverages. If you missed it, check out the SimCenter at

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

April 2024 Meeting

Apr 20th, 2024 - EAA Chapter Trailer Maintenance

Thanks to all who showed up to perform maintenance on the clubs trailer this past weekend. Bearings were packed, contents were inventoried, trailer was washed inside and out, and we’re ready for our next adventure! All this was done under Spring sunshine at Ed’s hanger in Birchwood.

Chris Gill

Trailer Maintenance

Trailer Maintenance

Apr 20th, 2024 - Trailer Maintenance Day

6 of us met at Ed White's hangar in Birchwood four about an hour & a half to check tires & bearings, inventory BBQ grill & supplies, inventory banners, and clean the trailer inside & out.

The trailer is roadworthy. We need NOT buy any more cups, plates, napkins, forks, spoons, or knives for at least 1, if not 2 years.

Thanks to all who helped!

Apr 13th, 2024 - April Breakfast

10 of us enjoyed another fine breakfast @ Kava's! Not in pic: Tim, Andrew, and Scott.

April breakfast

Mar 26th, 2024 - March Meeting - Dave Gillespie

Dave Gillespie was superb, sharing lots of Herc teckie details. One attendee later responded: "Great show last night! Gonna be tough to top that. Or even equal it."

There were 16 in attendance.

March 2024 Meeting

March 2024 Meeting

Mar 6th, 2024 - March Board Meeting

Board Meeting
Chuck and Ed discuss Chapter matters

Feb 27th, 2024 - February Meeting - Bob Edison

Our own Bob Edison shared stories with photos and video of his experiences flying charter flights in the Philippines and around Denali. All 18 of us really enjoyed Bob's great, entertaining presentation!

Chuck Hosack brought a survival kit and an Icom handheld transceiver for our drawing. Winners were Anson Moxness and Jim Moss, respectively.

We recognized and thanked several Chapter 42 officers & volunteers who were present, handing out EAA certificates and service pins:

We also recognized Walter Yankauskas for building our wonderful website containing all sorts of info about our Chapter, from upcoming events to past events with photos; a repository for Board minutes and Chapter documents, an inventory check-in/check-out system for our assets (scales, engine hoist, chapter trailer, grill, banners); Chapter member profiles (planes, projects, skills), and Young Eagle volunteer status. Thanks, Walter!

We'll follow suite for other officers and volunteers, as well as for Young Eagle pilots & ground crew, at subsequent meetings.

Bob Edison

Bob Edison

Bob Edison

[click here for] Denali video
YouTube video of flying through "747 Pass"

Bob Edison

Bob Edison

Bob Edison

Bob Edison

Jan 23rd, 2024 - January Meeting - Chris Gill's Smith/BBI SuperCub Build

Chris Gill hosted our January meeting in his garage ... er ... SuperCub Factory, complete with a great custom-made edge roller. Chris and Lisa were great hosts, providing water and sweet snacks. And heat!

Chris' plane review included a 6-page handout of notes and "deets" (i.e., details). Chris has the wide-body kit from BBI Aviation (Nick Smith Jr. & Sr.) out of Thorndale, Ontario. He has the seaplane package, including left door. Chris just hung an Aero Sport O-375 (195 hp) and will use the Catto 84x43 prop. He covered details about project history & goals, build issues & helpful resources, build log organization & dating photos, fuel system, instruments ("Don't buy early"), covering plan, etc.

An organized, very informative meeting, indeed, for both homebuilders and all of 10 of us present!

Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting